Financial Planning With a Focus on Your Goals.

How will you convert your largest financial assets into income and move successfully into your post-business lives?


Successful financial planning for business owners and their families begins with a focus on their ultimate goals and what they value most.  There are many financial tools available to assist in the transition from working to retirement, however having an optimal strategy will provide a more efficient outcome.  An optimal strategy requires a process supported by quantifiable research that can provide the clarity to make good decisions that deliver confidence and achieve desired results.  Liquidity Partners has developed that type of process.


Retirement income strategies have now emerged as a distinct field in the financial services profession.  A financial life includes pre-retirement and retirement years.  Our retirement strategies practice focuses on both legs of that journey, wealth accumulation and distribution, and the 3 functions of money in retirement:


  • Income: for living expenses and lifestyle
  • Liquidity: for opportunities and emergencies
  • Legacy: to leave to heirs


Efficient retirement income solutions can be achieved by careful efforts to combine various financial instruments into an overall retirement income strategy.  Investments alone do not necessarily create an efficient plan.  With an efficient strategy a retirement income strategy strives to generate:


  • More retirement income
  • More income guaranteed for lifetime
  • Keep assets in the family


Our goal is to assist our clients in creating a higher level of retirement spending as well as an equal or greater amount of financial assets to be available as part of a family legacy.  We accomplish that by employing actuarial science principles that help create improved retirement outcomes.


By including actuarial science principles, longevity-protected spending can be determined in advance. In contrast, those relying on their own devices to manage market and longevity risks must behave conservatively to not risk running out of assets. Even with conservative spending assumptions, investment portfolios do not have guarantees and are vulnerable to loss.



Begin with the end in mind

Develop your retirement income plan

Help for improving your outcomes

Check your brokers qualifications

Schedule a One-On-One

You may had some have changes


© Liquidity Partners 2023.  All Rights Reserved

Scottsdale, AZ Office

9375 E. Shea Blvd. Ste 114

Scottsdale, AZ 85260

P: (602) 549-1613

*Securities offered through OneAmerica Securities, Inc., a Registered Investment Advisor, Member FINRA, SIPC. Liquidity Partners is not an affiliate of OneAmerica Securities or the companies of OneAmerica and is not a broker dealer or Registered Investment Advisor.


Liquidity Partners is authorized to conduct life insurance and securities business in Arizona and may be licensed in other states. Liquidity Partners cannot conduct life insurance or securities business in states in which we are not licensed. This website is in no way to be construed as an offer for the sale of insurance or securities products in unauthorized states or countries.


Provided content is for overview and informational purposes only and is not intended and should not be relied upon as individualized tax, legal, fiduciary, or investment advice. Neither OneAmerica Securities, the companies of OneAmerica, Liquidity Partners, nor their representatives provide tax or legal advice. For answers to specific questions and before making any decisions, please consult a qualified attorney or tax advisor.


Guarantees are subject to the claims paying ability of the issuing insurance company.


Liquidity Partners is not affiliated with or endorsed by the Social Security Administration, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, or any other governmental agency.


Investing involves risk which includes potential loss of principal.